Thank you for taking the time to chat with me. I'm so grateful that you are open to receiving help on your journey!

Congrats, the fact that you've landed here means you care enough to be in the preparation stage to make a change! At team OFT we are ready and have the tools to support busy individuals who want to love their bodies, take care of themselves, & lose that weight that they have been trying SO long to get off.

This form is an opportunity for us to see IF and HOW we can help you! We do not take just ANYONE on to this team. We take on dedicated individuals that are ready to do what it takes to Optimize Your Life!

This is your opportunity to see how we can help you at Team OFT!

Are YOU ready to Optimize Your Life? Let’s GO!

Optimal Fitness Training Online Application

If you are interested in changing your life in a profound, and positive way, then you are in the right place. I am here to help you lose weight, gain lean muscle mass, create a healthy relationship with food, and build confidence. I am here to help you OPTIMIZE your health and wellness. Do not let life get in the way of you living your best life! Together, we will focus on balance, weight training, and healthy foods in a way that fits into your lifestyle. All I’m asking for is your dedication and persistence to take on this challenge. Are YOU ready?