Jacob Lesswing Jacob Lesswing


Happy Tuesday Fam!

Our 14-Day Challengers are absolutely CRUSHING it... and instead of giving you a nice long BLOG to read today, I figured I would give you some of the free value our challengers of our ONLINE COACHING are getting.

I have a lot of people ask me "what is the BEST way to see the most amount of progress?"

In this video, I covered how proper training can & should be the route you take to see the progress of your dreams...

Click HERE to watch & let me know what you think!

Have the best week ever! Talk soon.

Coach Jake

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Jacob Lesswing Jacob Lesswing

FREE Private Facebook Group?!

Happy Tuesday Fam!

Optimal Fitness Training has a FREE Private Facebook Group where we do giveaways, post valuable content on fat loss, training, mindset, we go LIVE & have LIVE discussions with our current online clients + busy professionals like YOU.

We do this because it is our mission to give back, and provide as much FREE value as we possibly can, so you can reach your goals & have a clear plan on how to do so.

We are only 4 members away from 400! Once we reach 400 members, we will plan a FREE challenge so you can try our premium 1:1 coaching program with NOTHING to lose.

Get in here ASAP, so you don't miss your opportunity to win free stuff!

Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/optimizeyourlifeteam/

Please answer the 3 questions once you click the link, or you won't be qualified for the group! Thanks!

Coach Jake

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Jacob Lesswing Jacob Lesswing

How to balance your health as a business owner…

How I Balance My Own Health as a Business Owner

After doing 75 HARD I have realized my life is NOT that different…

I would like to think I am in the best shape of my life, best mental health & spirituality I am the best I have ever been. I try to teach all of my online clients the same thing!

The reason for this is I take time out of every single day to work on these three different, but very important aspects… & here is how.

For spirituality purposes I will journal, practice positive affirmations (following along from a YouTube video usually), write down what I am grateful for & I will envision how I am going to have the best day possible. I have been doing this for about 1.5 years now, and it has been absolutely life-changing…

For mental health, I will practice meditation using an app called Headspace. I am currently on a 60-day “run streak” and that can be from a 3-minute all the way to a 20-minute meditation. I will also get 1 hour of sun a day, and read 10 pages of a non-fiction book to get away from my phone for awhile & enjoy nature!

For physical health I practice what I preach every single day. I do not train at the gym 2x a day but I typically go to the gym 4-5x a week following a PPL program, and the second workout of the day is usually a walk & I will listen to a podcast or even a run to get the blood flowing! On my rest days, I will do 1 walk & 1 45 minute yoga session to rest and recover for the upcoming days.

I hope this helps you in understanding how I stay healthy and happy year round… no matter the circumstances!

Let’s go!

Coach Jake

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Jacob Lesswing Jacob Lesswing

Top 3 ways to NOT succeed!

The Top 3 Qualities I Find in Clients that do NOT succeed / see minimal results!

While I would LOVE to say that all of our clients see AMAZING progress, there are always those that do not fit well with our coaching… 

That is why we do our best to make sure before you sign up, we are a great fit for each other & you understand the work that you will HAVE to do in order to see progress…

& we never take clients who are looking for an “easy-way out”, that typically ends in frustration from both parties!

So let’s get into the top 3 quantities of our least successful clients


2: Abundance of EXCUSES

3: Lack of PLANNING

Now, really quick I would love to get into our top 3 quantities of our most SUCCESSFUL clients… I bet you can guess what they are…

1: GREAT communication

2: Abundance of reasons why they want to succeed and they’re willing to do anything to succeed!

3: Plan all meals + workouts in advance for the week!

P.S (taking videos of your exercises and sending them to your coach is also an AMAZING way to succeed!)

In the end, it is up to you for your success, but we will be there for you every step of the way… if you allow us to be. Now let’s get to WORK!

Coach Jake

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Jacob Lesswing Jacob Lesswing

Do I have to eat healthier to lose weight?

“I am eating healthier and I am still not losing weight, what gives?”


How many times have you tried to switch to a “healthier” diet, and you still have not been able to lose that weight or reach the goals you set for yourself? I know a TON of our online clients have… before they started working with us!

The biggest problem with this is the fact that even with healthier foods, you can still be in a large caloric surplus (eating more food than your body is burning on a daily basis)

If you are not in a caloric deficit, you will NOT lose weight. It is as simple as that…

Now with our coaching, we are able to dive deeper into bio-feedback such as stress, sleep, recovery, NEAT… but for the purpose of this post you need to realize that you need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight…

Before you embark on that journey of lowering your quality of life (lowering your food, cuz everyone loves food right?)

Ask yourself if you are truly ready… 

Are you currently only eating 800-1200 calories a day full of salads and foods you truly don’t LOVE? 

Are you constantly tired, low sex drive, not getting any stronger?

If you are answering yes to a majority of those questions, you are not ready for a true deficit. 

If you want to find out more, please shoot me a DM or comment “FOOD” and I would love to help you out!

Coach Jake

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Jacob Lesswing Jacob Lesswing

Do I have to cut CARBS to lose weight?

Cutting CARBS is NOT the best thing you can do to lose weight, trust me…


The COUNTLESS amount of amazing people we have on our online coaching program that message me with “I have been struggling to lose weight for 5 years… I have cut carbs and although I lose weight, I feel like garbage… what gives?!”


Carbs are our body's preferred source of energy…


Also, carbs are a macronutrient that has 4 calories per 1 gram…


So guess what?


If you cut an entire macronutrient out & let's say on average you were eating 300grams of carbs… you just cut out 1200 calories from your daily intake…


Of course, you will lose weight!


Some of our clients are surprised when they begin the Optimize Your Life Program and realize they’re eating more carbs than ever before.. while still losing fat & building a ton of muscle…


This is because when you have a balanced diet of all 3 macronutrients, you are embarking on a sustainable journey rather than unsustainable (cutting carbs)!


I have a cheat sheet for macros and I would love to give it to you if you are struggling with understanding macros & total calories. Shoot me a message saying “cheat-sheet” & I will send it over to you!


Have the best day ever!


Coach Jake

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Jacob Lesswing Jacob Lesswing

Happy Independence Day!

If you are looking for an ONLINE COACH who can help you stay on track during the holidays, look no more!

Coach Jake

Happy Independence Day! 

If you're anything like me, you are constantly working your butt off to reach your health & wellness goals. 

While everybody's journey is different & unique, there are some main principles that make it easier to reach your goals... whether that is fat loss, muscle gain, weight loss, confidence, etc...

We can break those main principles into three categories to make it easy

1: Consistency with diet

2: Consistency with training

3: Consistency with recovery

The holidays can easily throw all three of these variables off & if you don't know how to get back on track the next day, you can have some uneasy feelings of pain/regret!

Here are our 3 main tips at Optimal Fitness Training that can help YOU stay on track during the holidays! 

1: Wake up a bit earlier the day of the event & workout... whether that is a quick walk or an intense training session.. get it DONE!

2: Focus on high-protein meals at the beginning of the day... This will help you feel full & help you recover from the workout. This will also make it easier to hit your calorie goal (if you have one) for the entire day!

3: Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep the night before, because we all know you might stay up a bit later than usual on the day of the event! 

These are all the tips we give to our amazing online clients @ Optimal Fitness Training, and we hope these help you as well!

Have the best day ever, and let me know if you need anything! 

Coach Jake

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Jacob Lesswing Jacob Lesswing

How can you lose 21lbs & keep it off?

If you are a busy professional and looking to lose fat & gain confidence, you HAVE to read about our online client Shelley. Let me know what you think!

Coach Jake

Before Shelley came to online coaching with the Optimal Fitness Team, she had tried multiple programs while feeling lost and discouraged with her health & fitness journey.

These are the reasons she wasn’t seeing success.

❌ Uncertain about the proper exercises to do at home

❌ Uncertain about the proper foods to eat to fuel her body

❌ Constantly switching fad diets and thinking the healthy lifestyle “wasn’t for her”


✅ Tailored program for herself

✅ Understanding the importance of nutrition

✅ 1:1 accountability along with support from everyone in the OFT community!

A few quotes from Shelley I want to share include…

“I can tell you this has been the best decision of my life!”

“I was at my highest weight & I just couldn’t keep it off.”

“I can do this & I AM WORTH IT!”

Shelley successfully completed a 3-month reverse diet and then a full 3 month cutting “fat loss phase”.

She is down 21+ pounds while feeling healthier than ever and “so physically strong I feel thin again!”

In addition to the drastic weight loss, Shelley has gained so much from her hard work and determination in The Optimize Your Life program. ⬇️⬇️⬇️




IF you are LOOKING to TAKE CONTROL of your life as Shelley did, don’t wait.

We are taking on 5 more clients for the month of July. Apply now!

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